The following were the winners of the calendar raffle through last Friday 1/10/14. All checks will be mailed out at the end of the month, once all of the winners have been drawn! Congratulations!!!!
1/1 150.00 Rebecca Lewis sold by Kylie True
1/2 50.00 Jason Manfredi sold by David Manfredi
1/3 25.00 Jacob Steadman sold by Jacquelyn S.
1/ 4 50.00 Laura Dillon sold by Anthony Choukas
1/5 25.00 Margaret O’Connor sold by Jack O’Connor
1/6 50.00 David Belmarsh sold by David Manfredi
1/7 75.00 Frado Family sold by Mira Flaherty
1/8 50.00 Marie Murray sold by Bridget Ryan
1/9 25.00 Lisa Pacino sold by Lanie Young
1/10 50.00 Christine Joyce sold by Thomas Coldwell
Dr. Sandi Nicolucci will be visiting Weymouth Public Schools on January 9th, 10th, and Monday, 13th to complete a review of our Music program. During her visits she will observe classrooms, talk with music teachers, and speak with principals and parents.
The Elementary School music parent meeting will be held from 1:30-2:30 on Monday January 13 at the High School if you are interested in attending.
Does your child need a safety tshirt? Safety T Shirt Order Form